Wednesday, November 21, 2012

5 Reasons Being Single Sucks This Holiday

Okay, so I know I should be encouraging and light-hearted for all my fellow singlets out there, for the impending doom that is Holiday 2012. But on this day before turkey day, I decided to say why it actually sucks to be single this holiday.

  1. You don't get to go the faux in-laws house and once again explain what a "Veg-e-tar-i-an" means to your boyfriends meat-welding Mother.
  2. Who will you take to the company holiday party? That once you break up, your co-workers will continue to ask "Why, What haaaaappened???" for the next year after you break up. There's just no way around it.
  3. You don't get to malled on Black Friday (which you LOVEE) to get that newest piece of electronics for your boyf.
  4. You don't get to host your man or his friends on Thanksgiving or Christmas to watch the "Big Football Game". I mean, you don't get to cook for ANYONE, not his friends who eat more then a Puma, or all the male relatives to boot.
  5. Lastly, the last reason it sucks to be single this holiday is.....NOTHING. 
If you noticed, these really aren't reasons that being Single sucks. They're reasons that Being Single isn't the worst thing to happen since the last Twilight movie opened (and in many ways, AWESOME).  

Now I know the Holiday can be a hard time to be single, especially when people are doing such Two-some things. But keep in mind all the stuff you DON'T have to do this season. It's like a reward God has given us to see the silver lining, that things will happen in it's own time, and hey - there are things that you will miss about being single!!

So we will continue to be Eternal Romantic Optimistics, and remind ourselves, that there is still hope! But if we do remain single this holiday season, Remember:

This means your time is running out soon to actually do whatever the heck you want to do! Before you settle down and have to make room for another person in your life (which I promise isn't easy).

How refreshing is that! 

I don't know about you, but until I find the man who is desperately looking for me right now (because he is), I will make sure I do everything I wanted to. 

If that means making out with random boys at holiday parties...then so be it. Cuz I certainly can't do THAT when he finds me now can I? :)

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