Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Top 5 Cures for Summer Breakouts

I love the Summertime, lots of sun, beaches, festivals, dates, happy hours, you name it. However, If you're like me, Summertime is a key time when random breakouts decide to happen. All that sunscreen, and well, sun. All those extra happy hours and dinners out with bad (albeit delicious) food, summer outings, chlorine water, etc. Either which way, I had an influx of breakouts in the beginning of the Summer and found some things that have gotten my skin back to glowing. Maybe they will help you too!

My Top 5 Cures for Summer Breakouts (can also be used other times of the year, Duh):

1) Clean your cell phones - Yes that's right. How often are you disinfecting your cell phone. They're kind of gross on the surface when you think about it. Then you put all that bacteria to your face when you tell your BFF about your drunken blackout night.  I realized I was randomly breaking out in very specific spots along my cheeks. Weekly phone bacteria wipe down. Problem solved.

2) Vitamin E Oil- My continuous all-time favorite, all-encompassing cure for all things skin related. Pure vitamin E oil does wonders when applied directly. It heals sun-kissed skin, dark spots, dry skin, can be added to baths, and helps you retain elasticity. Sometimes when you have breakouts you tend to over dry your skin trying to get rid of it with all those salicylic acid face washes.

  • My favorite current use for Vitamin E Oil is as a natural daytime moisturizer. I don't know about you but finding the right moisturizer for 90 degree weather is a challenge. Enter, Vitamin E Oil. And don't worry if you have oily skin, it's a good oil, but you only need a dimesize. For nighttime apply more liberally.
  • Also, use Vitamin E oil at night after an at-home mini facial as a quick moisture rejuvenation. Wait until it absorbs though or fall asleep first on your back so you don't wake up with an oil ghost on your pillow case. But you will wake up the next morning with glowing and moisturized skin!
  • For an extra boost, take "Hair, Skin, Nails" vitamins daily as well!
3) Keep Clearasil Pads at your desk - By far the best idea I've ever had for my skin was to keep Clearasil pads at my desk at work. If you don't like Clearasil and prefer something more gentle, then there's definitely an organic route. Being able to deeply clean my face in the middle of the day after all the environmental factors have hit it, has made a huge difference.

3) Stop Hanging Out with Negative People - They'll stress you out. Which will stress out your skin. Plus it's summa summa summatime. Ain't nobody got time for dat!

4) Veggie Juices - The best thing to do if you're all of a sudden breaking out, is to keep your skin and hormones and well, insides balanced. Sometimes I fear all the beer I drink in the Summertime overwrites my responsibility to order salads once in awhile. But it's super easy to buy or juice your own Veggie Juice and work them in between those fun weekly boozy summer outings.

5) Manage your Stress. When I get a surge of stress, my stress pimples almost immediately flare up. Stress is a silent killer.  Like bad jokes, and Dharma and Greg. It lowers your immune system, affects your moods, stamina, and sex drive (and nobody wants that). Find an activity to not only relieve stress, but to pull it out of your body. Maybe find some time for deep breathing techniques to do at your desk during the day. You could also Meditate, do yoga, any balance and strengthening activity will do the trick and loosen you right up!

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